The Color of Spring by Yolanda Sanchez

In the heart of the bustling city, where the urban landscape meets the gentle embrace of nature's hues, lies an exhibition that promises to transport visitors to a realm of vibrant colors and serene contemplation. At the Museum of Art – DeLand …read more

María Magdalena Campos-Pons: Embracing Fusion

In the heart of the contemporary art scene, the name María Magdalena Campos-Pons resonates with a fusion of cultural heritage and spiritual reverence. Born in 1959 in Matanzas, Cuba, and now residing in Nashville, Tennessee, Campos-Pons has …read more

Liliam Cuenca’s Enigma: Exhibit at Books & Books

Attention art enthusiasts and seekers of inspiration! Books & Books is proud to announce a special celebration honoring the remarkable talent of visual artist Liliam Cuenca. Join us for an exclusive gallery event as we pay homage to …read more

Unveiling the Depths: An Interview with Carlos Estévez

In the realm of art, there exists a profound interplay between the artist's inner world and the outer manifestations of their creativity. Recently, the Thomas Nickles Project had the privilege of delving into the depths of Carlos Estévez's …read more