
Teresita Fernández at Ruby City, Texas

Selected works from the Linda Pace Foundation Collection

“This new installation features approximately 50 works by national and international artists as well as those with San Antonio and Texas ties, including recent acquisitions on view for the first time. Tangible/Nothing explores how the invisible or the seemingly mundane can reveal great meaning. Some works represent apparent voids, vestiges of what’s missing or subjects not pictured– a pair of arms bereft of a body, a woman represented only by her purse or Miss America seen only as a floating crown. Other works represent or incorporate everyday objects that stand in for big ideas, such as empty paint cans representing a white, heroic vision of America’s history or a bright pink stove calling out the pervasiveness of traditional gender roles.”

Until July 30, 2023

Ruby City
150 Camp St.
San Antonio, Texas 78204

Teresita Fernández at CANY Blog

Link to the original article