Angel Delgado and Alonso Mateo at Kaleidoscope Gallery, Las Vegas.-
“Angel Delgado and Alonso Mateo come from a generation of Cuban artists with a flair for bringing
alive the sociopolitical debates and question the political narratives promoted by Havana officials
in the late 80s. With a profound critical conscience and historical perspective, their works of art
subverted the aesthetic inheritance of nonconformity and controversy.
Presenting together for the first time, these two artists will be showcasing this exhibit though
fabric. “Much to Be Said” is a creative illustration by Delgado and Alonso Mateo whom have
produced this collaborating works in textiles, yet while working separately.
Delgado, in his artwork, explores individual liberties, migration, social conflicts and the personal
creative artistic process. Like in his previous works, on this occasion, Delgado uses
unconventional materials from his everyday surroundings.
Alonso Mateo, from his perspective, explores the symbols of societal power though high fashion,
and symbols of success and fame. Following Alonso Mateo’s design, professional tailors
intertwine textile pieces, which acquire their value as art, provoking a disruption in the traditional
roles between creator and author.”
Noemí Louis, Art Critic.
Kaleidoscope Gallery
2295 E. Sahara Ave. Suite 202.
Las Vegas, NV, 89104.
Link to the original article