January 15 – May 31, 2013
Miami Dade College Freedom Tower 600 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FLTranscending Narratives of Humanity- Selected works CINTAS Foundation. -The MDC Museum of Art + Design (MoAD) presentsTranscending Narratives of Humanity: Selected Works from the CINTAS Foundation Fellows Collection at its National Historic Landmark Freedom Tower. Free and open to the public.
Transcending Narratives of Humanity explores artists who use art as successful vehicles of narrative, presenting works that conjure the darkest corners of the subconscious, magical reconstructions of inanimate objects and mastery of form, while investigating the interrogation of our personal and cultural identity in modern society.
The minimal exhibition features just six works by CINTAS Foundation Fellows Ernesto de la Vega Pujol, Pablo Cano, Mario Petrirena, Juan Nickford, Ernesto Oroza and María Elena González. Curated by MDC MoAD Curatorial Assistant Natalie Pérez, this exhibition reflects the CINTAS Foundation’s vision and multidisciplinary approach to the contemporary artists it supports.
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