26 August 22
Gladys Triana at Fairfield University Art Museum, and Art Museum, USJ.-
Fairfield University Art Museum and Art Museum, USJ, are hosting a dual exhibition “Gladys Triana: A Path to Enlightenment, 1971-2021.”
September 23 – December 17, 2022
Opening: Saturday, September 24 at 4pm
Art Museum at University of Saint Joseph
1678 Asylum Ave., West Hartford, CT 06117
Opening: Friday, September 23 at 4pm
Fairfield University Art Museum, Walsh Gallery
200 Barlow Rd., Fairfield, CT 06824
Curated by Aluna Curatorial Collective (Adriana Herrera) and (Willy Castellanos), a non-profit organization created to promote a wide range of dialogues among artistic practices through a continuous and open invitation for artists to engage in its projects.
Link to the original article