
Diango Hernández: THEORETICAL BEACH, at Museum Morsbroich, Germany. -Museum Morsbroich presents Theoretical Beach. The title stands for the transition from sea to land. With simple materials and agile gestures, Diango Hernandez transforms the whole castle into an open processual space that enables visitors to make the transition between sea and beach and sense the tension between the different elements.

The exhibition addresses precisely that point where, in the metaphor of the sea, the “movement of being” meets “solid ground,” in other words, the place “where man establishes his institutions” (Hans Blumenberg). The place where the categories and value of being which shape and determine the cultural, social and political system become manifest.

May 22–August 28, 2016

Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
Gustav-Heinemann-Strasse 80
D-51377 Leverkusen. Germany

Curated by Stefanie Kreuzer


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