
Robert & Christopher Publishers, a Trinidad-based art book imprint, has published an anthology of important artists from the Caribbean, including Cuban artists from the diaspora.

A to Z of Caribbean Art is a joyous celebration of the lives and works of many of the most outstanding, prolific, groundbreaking, critical, fascinating, and controversial artists of the Caribbean. Thanks to the abécédaire format of this book, a multiplicity of artists have ended up in lively dialogue here. We connect people separated by geography, language, and time: 120 years of movements, moments, schools, and sociopolitical contexts; countries as far apart as Bermuda in the north to Guyana in the south; and the French, Dutch, English, and Spanish Caribbean.

Each artist is represented by a page that shows a definitive work, biographical details, and a short write-up about their oeuvre. These artists were selected based on a number of factors, including critical discourse around their work, inclusion in a significant publication, work written about in regional or international trade magazine, and participation in a curated exhibition at a major institution, or at a regional or international biennial.

Rubén Torres Llorca One of Us Can Be Wrong (2010)

Paperback: 304 pages
Published by: Robert & Christopher Publishers, November 2019
ISBN: 978-976-95344-9-0
Language: English

Cuban artists in CANY blog

Videos of Cuban artists in Youtube

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