01 March 15
February 27 – March 25, 2015
Pavel Acosta in group show “In Praise of Folly”, at the New York Art Residency; Studios Foundation, New York. The New York Art Residency & Studios (NARS) Foundation is pleased to present a group exhibition In Praise of Folly, curated by Jin Y. Hwang Coleman and including work by Pavel Acosta, Hong Seon Jang, Marc Oosting, Lior Shvil, and Ghost of a Dream. In Praise of Folly, inspired by the famous book of the same title by Desiderious Erasmus, focuses on the works by artists who challenge our belief system and dogma in a satirical, humorous and witty way.
NARS Foundation 201 46th Street, 4th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11220Link to the original article