Apr 4, 2015 – Sep 13, 2015
Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons in group show at the NC Museum of Art, North Carolina. Director’s Cut features a selection of photographs from recent gifts to the Museum in honor of Dr. Lawrence Wheeler’s 20th anniversary as director of the North Carolina Museum of Art.
These gifts are a significant addition to the Museum’s photography collection and feature iconic images by many ground-breaking photographers of the 20th century, along with innovative works by contemporary photographers. Ranging in date from 1967 to 2013, the photographs depict a wide variety of subject matter, including Elvis conventions, minor league baseball, self-portraits, the southern landscape, and views of Cuba and New York. The photographers in the exhibition explore an array of photographic techniques and approaches, including traditional gelatin-silver prints, digital prints, Polaroids, and straight photography as well as overtly manipulated and constructed images.
Artists in the exhibition include Uta Barth, William Christenberry, Alex Harris, Frank Hunter, Bill Jacobson, Simen Johan, Andrew Moore, Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, and Kerry Skarbakka, among others.
North Carolina Museum of Art 2110 Blue Ridge RoadRaleigh, NC 27607 East Building, Level A, Photography Galleries
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