September 5 – October 3, 2015
Private view: Friday 4 September 2015, 6 – 8 PM
Press preview with art historian Abigail McEwen: 10 AM
David Zwirner 24 Grafton Street London W1S 4EZGroup Show “Concrete Cuba” at David Zwirner Gallery, London.. David Zwirner is pleased to present a comprehensive exhibition of paintings and sculptures by the Cuban group of abstract painters Los Diez PintoresConcretos (Ten Concrete Painters), which was active from 1959 to 1961, at the gallery’s London location. Concrete Cuba is the first presentation in the United Kingdom to highlight the origins of concretism in Cuba during the 1950s, and will include important works by the eleven artists who were at different times associated with the short-lived group:Pedro Álvarez, Wifredo Arcay, Mario Carreño, Salvador Corratgé, Sandú Darié, Luis Martínez Pedro, Alberto Menocal, José Mijares, Pedro de Oraá,José Ángel Rosabal, Loló Soldevilla, and Rafael Soriano
Link to the original article